The Montgomery Advertiser from Montgomery, Alabama (2024)


Greene; Mothers' Club Meeting A. Greene Tuesday morning. In the absenoe of Mr. W. B.

Baiter, Mra. A. M. Buchanan, Jr presided. Roll call was answered with current events.

fi'ieaieiVsW -aw- .1 si 'J- iVv 'S l-Vi 1 iiiii ir ifs 'utir -'rss'ia 0 m.uii Id li lit 1 3KD .1 li" I'Htil Hi V' Only ona fornsar Americas president so wives Chief Jnstlce of the Supreme) Ooairt William Howard Taft. Six former flnst ladiea of the land are alive Mr. Benjamin Mrs, Thomas J. Preaton (the former Mrs. Grave Cleveland), Mra.

Theodore Reoeeveit, who I aow tonrlng the orient) Mra. William Howard Taft, Mra. Florence King wife of the late President Warren G. Harding, and Mra. Woodrow Wilson.

BREW TON, ALA, Feb. 1 A llghtful meeting of the Cranberry Music olub was held Saturday afternoon wlth'Mra A. M. Qowan a hostesa Tha subject for the afternoon wag the opera by Sullivan. Mra L.

Campbell gave a sketch of the life of Sullivan. Th tory the opera waa presented by Ml Sara Shaefsr. Selected melodies from ths opera; Trio. "Thro Little Maid," Mra B. Martin.

Mr. George Miller and Mr. A. M. Gowao, Vocal soke, "The Moon and Mra B.

a A social hour followed during which the hostess served a salad course. -Dlaeaaae Heeoatrwctloa Mrs. H. E. Wesson.

Mr. W. H. Scott and Mrs. T.

9. Mar iolntlv entertain- ''fed the Civio' League nil Wedneaday af ternoon at th home of Mrs. Wesson in Aloo. At th close of the business session the following interesting program waa rendered: Piano solo, Hardy; Talk on Reconetructlon Day In Alabama J. B.

CBannon; Talk, Health Condition In Escambia County, Dr, W. Hatchet; Current Events, Mrs, G. W. L. Smith.

The club Is Indebted to Mrs. C. S. Jones', Mr. Henry Harold and Mr.

A. Peavy for arranging the splendid program which was one of the most Interesting of the year. A delightful social hour was held during which the guests were served a plate luncheon. Mra. Joe Sowell Ceaapllmenia Mother Among th delightful ocial affair of th past1 week wa the bridge party at which Mra Jo Sowell entertained on Friday afternoon complimenting Mrs.

John Garvin, of Huntington, Va. The living room and hall where the table were placed were brightened with vase of daffodils. The prise for top score, a pair of Silk stockings, was won by Mrs. H. C.

Rankin and the honoree was presented with a novelty flower bowl. For refreshments Mrs. Sowell served pressed chicken, hot rolls, cake and pineapple whip. Invited to meet Mra Garvin and enjof the Afternoon at bridge were Mrs. A.

C. Smith, Mrs. M. L. Henderson, Mra F.

P. Hill. Mrs. Forney Luttrell Mr. A.

M. Gowan, Mrs. Matti Mrs. Park, Mrs. P.

E. Daniel, Mrs. J. S. Powell, Mrs.

Laura Rankin, Mr. 3. W. Adklaaon, Mra. J.

T. Boyd, Mra E. E. Downing, Mra. H.

M. Caffey, Mr. Lily Mrs. E. L.

McMillan, Mra E. Lovelace Mrs. W. T. Lovelace.

Mrs. H. F. Shackelford. Mrs.

H. C. Rankin, Mrs. O. W.

L. Smith, Mr James Sowell, Mrs. R. A Smith, Mrs. M.

P. Watson. Mlaa Mary Pea bee Homered. Mrs. M.

P. Watson entertained at a bridge party on Wedneaday afternoon In honor of Mlaa Mary Foehee. a charming Montgomery girl, who I Mr. Watson's house guest The living room where the game were enjoyed was decorated with vases of carnations In the delicate pink tones. The score card were dainty BY PROCLAMATION, BRANDON DESIGNATES ILLITERACY WEEK IN STAfE OE ALABAMA Week Beginning March 21 Is Set Aside; Action Follows Request of Federation of Women's Clubs Who Plan Special Effort OPBUK.V Feb, II.

On laat Bund moraing at the Methodist paa-toriuro, Mlu Bernloe Porter and Richard Hollo way war married. Dr. John James performing- the lmpreaalv cere-gflony In th presenoe of the Immediate families and' a few Intimate friend of the young couple. The bride wore a suit of polo fray with aooaortea to match! She carried aa arm bouquet of sweet pea and lilies 0f the YaUey. Mr.

and lira. Holloway left immediately after tha oeremony for a tea day1 trip to Florida. Mr. Holloway la tha danghter of Mr. and Mr.

W. J. Porter and ha many friend who wlah for them every happlnese. Mr. Holloway 1 tha son of Mr.

and Mr. J. M. Holloway and la assoclat-jd with hi father In tht well known bualnea firm of Aadraw Seed Company. Forty Ohfldm at Birthday Party.

Little Mlu Luoy Dlcklnaon eelebrat-ed her fifth birthday laat Saturday fternoon with a Valentine party at the home of her parent, Mr. and Mrs H. K. Dickinson. The little hostess atood at tha door to reoelTe her guests Inviting; them Into room attractively decorated with heart and potted plant.

Many amusing game, were played, and in pinning on the donkey tall Curt la Farley and Artie William were moat auoceiaful and received valentine a prises, Tha little folk were then Invited Into the dining room where the birthday' cake, bearing five burning candle, rted upon a white lace covered table. Favor of candy filled heart marked each place. When the cake waa out. Katharine Stewart out the ring, Rebecca Roberts the dime, Curtis Farley the thimble, and Clifford Stewart, the button. Gelatine and.

cake were erved to about forty guests. Presbyterlaa Auxiliary Meeting. Mrs. J. A.

Greene was hostess to the Woman's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church Monday afternoon. "The White Fields of Japan," the mission study for the week of prayer, was ooncluded at this meeting and Japanese decorations were used. An interesting program was rendered aa follows: Devotional, by Mrs. A. B.

Dean, followed by prayer for the foreign work. Reports from nine mission stations, given by ladiea In costume. The offering waa then taken by three little children dressed In Japanese costumed, Clifford and Kathertne Btewart and Louise staroher. -O Love That Will Not Let Me Go" Mrs. Vollnage.

During the social part of the afternoon, Mrs. Joe Bell dreaaed In Japaneae costume, sang "In a Jlnrlklsha," accompanied by Mrs. J. A. Walker.

Ml Cordelia Wright also sang several Japanese songs. Meadamee Alfred Mitchell, Joe Bell Herbert Thomaaon. and O. C. Stareher, assisted the hostess in serving tea and aandwlehe.

-there la Meedta. The Mothers Club mat with Mrs. J. MISS ELMA TOFT HOSTESS TO GIRLS' I AUXILIARY FOR STUDY OF CUBAN iFACTS Community Club Meeting; Young Ladies' Club With Mra. Seigterf Baptist Circles and Business Women Meet ENTERPRISE PIERIAN CLUB STUDIES AMERICAN WOMEN WRITERS' BEST WORK New Yorker Gives Luncheon to Friends; Valentine Party by Willing Workers; Christian Church Ladies Meet Endorsing the action taken at a meeting in Montgomery some days ago, of the executive committee of the Alabama Federation of Women's Clubs, Governor William W.

Brandon by formal proclamation, has set aside the week beginning Friday, Maroh 11, as Illiteracy Week to be so observed throughout the state. During this week the Federation of Women's Club will conduct an Intensive campaign for the raising of additional funds to be used In driving Illiteracy from Alabama' bordera It Is pointed out In the governor's proclamation, that In the 1910 federal census, (.000,000 Illiterates were enumerated for the entire country, 4,000,000 of these being of voting age, and that over 3,000.000 were native born Americana He also points out that of the 6,000,000 Illiterates shown to exist in the United States, by the census of 1920, 178. 08J were found In Alabama, being native born white persons, and 22S.S6K being over 11 years of age. A comparison of (he census figures for 1910 and 1910 however shows that the greatest decline in the actual number of Illiterates In any state outing the 10 year period, oocurred in Alabama, where the number decreased from IU.710 in 1110, to 171.011 la 1910. Governor Brandon in his proclamation, urge 'that all lawful agencies and Influence, elvto, aoolai, fraternal, educational and religious, cooperate In the campaign of the Federation of Women's Clubs during II-Iteracy week, to the end that before the next census I taken Illiteracy will be (tamped out In Alabama PrerlaBBattoa The text of Governor Brandon's proclamation follows: A proclamation by the Governor on nilteraey Week.

To the People of Alabama: The Alabama Federation of Women's Clubs has designated aa Illiteracy Week the week beginning on Friday, the twenty-first day of March, next, and haa requested the cooperation of all lawful agencies and Influences in an effort to have It observed throughout the state. It Is ths hope of the Federation through such cooperative effort to raise a substantial sum of money to be used for the removal of the blight of Illiteracy from among our people. "In the 1910 federal census 1,000.000 Illiterates were enumerated. 4,000.000 of them being of voting age. A ma--Jorlty of them, over 1.000 009 ware native born Americana It la estimated that many time this number rsn barely read and write and are therefore practically Illiterate.

Manifestly the presence of so larga a number of Illiterates and near-Illiterate ritliena Is a standing menace to Amer ican Ideals and Institutions. -Of th millions of young men draft- i ed In tha world war one In every foot. entiM not writ, a tetter home or red a newspsper In English; on In every alx was rejected on aoeount of physical I deficiencies due largely to Ignorance resulting from Illlterac7, The perena who Is unable to read la not likely to observe the lawa of health. "Of tha Mi" "00 llllteratea enumerate,) the ino census f7.t ware found In Alshama, 8 of them being native horn whites, and III XI epproslmatelr HI per cent, being over twenty-one yesre of are. Th forelsn- born population of Alabama la aegll gtble In lall the average percent of Utile euplds tinted la paatal eeloew.

As) each table a deck of ear da la leevUwt; case wer out for a tavor. At ths ooaolualoa of th game tha sard were removed and feplaeed by Japanese tray with aervloe tor fouaj th plat lunaheoa eooaiaUng of tor' key, potato chip, (tutted tomaleea, wafer, hot blaoulu. ooffe aad almond eraam with eupid aUokup. Each tray -wag eentered with a erys tal candlestick with burning tap) ahaded with roe aUk bade. VateeMlae Party at Lewelae 11 Mrs.

B. M. Levelaoe entertained that Evening Bridge elub with Valentine party oa Friday evening at her home on BellevUle avenue. The Valentin idea waa carried out la detail deco latlona, ecora card and th refresh menta aerved at the ooaolualoa ef th game, the heart shaped box of boo bona on each table completing tae mom tit. The ladle a bridge S'S waa won by Mr.

J. T. Boyd, wh presented it to Mlaa Mesry IVsjiue, od Montgomery. The guest' prise, aa aah tray, waa! won by R. H.

Cox. Thoa present war 1 Mr. Cox, of Gadsden, Mr. and Mm Joe Sowell, Mra John Garvin of Hunt- lngton, W. Mr.

M. L. Header on. Mrs. Elisabeth Shocner, Om Rankin, -Mr.

and Mr. J. R. Miller, Mr, and Mr. E.

L. McMillan, Mr. and) Mr. W. F.

Wileon. Mr. and Mr. Ha M. Caffey, Mr.

H. P. Watson, Mia Mary Foshee, Dr. and Mrs. J.

T. Boyd Mrs Smith Hostess at Bridge. Mra O. L. Smith entertained the) member of her card olub and a few extra gueat on Thursday, afternoon a4 her home on Bellvllle avenue.

Thg) lower floor of th attractive SmliK home wa thrown together and tastefully decorated for th oocasion. The) high score wa mad by Mr. T. As Peavy, who waa awarded a lovely hanging basket of hammered brass with a growing plant. The guest prise a beautiful embroidered towel, wa presented te Mr.

F. H11L of Columbus, Ohio. At the eonelusioa of the game th hoateaa aervexl a tunon eon on tray centered with crystal baskst of tinted mint. Those present wer Meedame A. Gowan, Joe Btrwell, Jams Lovelace Cox.

of Gadsden, F. V. Hill, of Co-lambua, Ohio, APO. Smith. H.

C. Henderson, T. R. Miller, H. C.

Rankin E. Downing, W. T. Lovelace, E. Lovelaee T.

A. Peavy, J. W. Adkhr on. R.

A. Smith, J. T. Boyd. H.

M. Caffey, M. P. Watson. B.

L. McMtl-lan. J. R. Miller, Ml Mary Foehe of Montgomery.

On Saturday afternoon Mra Smith wa again hostess at two tables of bridge. Th favor cut for wer box of correspondence cards, Mrs. and Mrs. L. G.

Brook drawing the lucky number. Refreahraent were erved following several Interesting game. Enjoying Mra. Smith's hospitality were: Mr. T.

L. Ra good. Mrs. D. Gfllls.

Mrs, L. 0 Brook, Mrs. R. B. Park.

Mrs. Forney Luttrell, Mrs, R. A. Strong, Mra, G. Sawyer.

1 enjoyable a wtl aa piufltaMe evwrcmg waa spent by tho present. The pro gram waa a follow: Talk, Th Probe lent that Confront th Bualaea Worn, an. by Mra Dewey Morgan. Talk, What I Can Do Toward th TJpft1g of th Kingdom, Mlaa Leas I a Short, Talk, How Can a Buslneae Woman Soul Winner, by Mlaa Ida Whale At tha conclusion of the program, Mra, Josey erved light refreahnenta, PINE LEVEL (R0 OR CLUB GUESTS OF MRS. BROACH PTNB LEVEL, ALA, Feb.

leWThd Pine Level Rook Hub met with Mra, N. L. Broaoh at her ho as. Myrtlewood on Friday afternoon. The guests wer Invited Into the dining room which wa very pretty In It Valentine decoration.

Four table wer placed for progressive rook. Tboee noylng Mrs. Broach' hoepi' tallty ware Mia Martha Collier, Mrs. Ray Oslo. Misses Fay Sralthsnnan, Minnie Dunn.

Elisabeth Atkinson, Pauline Baxter, Mary He William Braadoo. Sarah Brtetow, Mrs. J. W. Murs.

Mra Paeemor. Mra Sara Parker. Mra Pollard Faltoa and Mr. Reg Underwood of Sprague Juactlea. Martha Broach, th little ds ugh teg of the hostess, enrprieed aad delight, ed the guests with "The Highland Fling" In Scotch costume, with Ml Mary McWIIHame at the plea.

After the gamea aa trad soar wag served. Miss Fay gmltherman wine nlng honor score, the booby feu tw Mr Ray Getce. Attend Pavlarwa Pairaimmaia) Among the Pin Level people aeetr "Palvnwa" on Wedneaday alght ware) Smltherm.n, Atkinson Mr. Luther Pauline Mr. W.

L. Broach. Martha Breach, Ellsabertg Smiley. Ml- MeWlle "n' reponwa anew. fJ(, MAIKONS AT ABBEVILLE WITH MRS.

MORNING AimeTTOXB, ALA-. rb il MV-a, Morning waa hoet see th Teueg Matron' Clob en Moadaf aftersytnn. The attractive heme, an well adapted for entertaining, wae enejevially geettg baskets nf flowers and get sln' bes uty and fragraDoe i tag Wtaa eeearall mvew Pervg One ef the loveliest eoaHssiaa -4 the week waa a pertr given by Mleg The Circles nf the Baptist Mlaaieees arv Hoeletv held their rg1ar reeeen Inge on TTj-oa art.mooa. tareig 1 srttfc Mrs Hahr wsllaca, nfte.n meenb.T and foer visiter) preeent and the p. hie afaxrr enndncted by Mr.

r. atehTn, fir-1 a He met with Mra K. Arnold memhere We- nre.ent Men. R. A.

fhveKaj eaeta de'te the BIMe stdv flrele We 1 met with Mr B-a) nsmhTe. in the home nf Mra T. Hollei memhere wave) srin end 'he tVhie tdy was led Bar Mr Otlaesa. AM yrveraoa mmm mm ivuwwi. i Paper, Life and Works of Mary' WU- kln Freeman, Mra.

R. L. Bamford. Reading, "The Revolt of Mra. Frank Fraaler.

Selected readings. "An Humble Ro mance," and "The Adventure of Ana Mra VoUnagaL During the sootal half honr a aalad Plata waa aarved. The guests war then invited into the library where coffee, cheese straws and fruit oaka were aarved by Mra. Frank Frasler and Mra. T.

F. VollnageL Mra A Ceok Host earn. Mr. A. W.

Cook waa tha hostess to tha Avenue A Neighborhood Club Fri day afternoon. Potted plants and spring flower were naad attractively to deoorate the rooma where three tablea for bid dominoes ware placed. After severer game the hostess served a salad course with coffee. Needleeraft Club. Mrs.

Robert Meadows 'entertained the Needlecraft club Friday afternoon at her home on Fourth avenue. Ferns and out flowers were used throughout the rooma where the guest gathered and pleasantly passed the time in sswlng and conversation. Late In the afternoon the hostess served a salad course With ooffee. LUVERNB Feb. ie.

The) young maids' and matrons of Luverne have formed a unique club where each hostess In her turn entertains the member at a "Spend-the-day" party, the lunch to be served Dutch styhs. Each guest brings har favorite diah ready prepared. On laat Friday Mra. Wavely Sikes waa at home to the new club memoer at her home on Foreat avenue. In the afternoon games are played and at the next meeting the afternoon Is to be devoted to a "Sewing Bee." The members are Misses Emmie Boone Rushton, Luclle Kendrlck, Noaml Horn, Bin Black, Margaret Black, Mrs.

Waverly Kendrlck, Mrs. Felix Horn, Mrs. Kline Bentley and Mrs. Barron fllsunber Party. Miss Christine Fundaburk entertained her beat frlenda at a "Slumber-on last Friday at the Beard Hotel.

After a delicious dinner, gamea were played until each little eye begun to droop and each little foot began to lag. The guests were Misses Dolorle Odom. Roberta Hogg, Maxie Horn and Dorothy Sikes. MIealoa Brady On Monday afternoon the Woman' Missionary Society met In an hour of Home Mission Study at the church. The book being studied this quarter Is "Child welfare." under the derlctlon and leadership of Mrs.

Dru Thrower. One added and lntereattng feature of the afternoon waa a talk by Mra. J. T. Ivey who haa just returned from the Dothan conference and In her spirited addree enthused the member anew and the happening at the conference were real to tha many member preeont votlonaL After the mlnutea and roll oall "The Reds" furnished an interesting Bible Study" "Saul of Tereone" Frances PaschaU "Book of Ruth" Mali Prtcea.

Echoea from the conferenoe by leader, Mra Mitchell The member have a oonteat oa tor. attendance. The Red white and bluee. tha losing sides to entertain, the winning one tl member were present. Orangeade and cake waa aerved.

Birthday Party. C. A Batten entertained twelve of bl friends, on hi thirteenth birthday on Saturday afternoon. Upon arrival each gueat presented the young hoet with a useful present. Oamee, and music, furnished entertainment.

Juat before leaving cake and ambrosia, waa aerved. Bsrttst Mlaaleaary terlety. Tha Woman Missionary Society ef the Baptlat church met In clrclea on Monday afternoon circle 1. aiet with Mra Kennlth Mcintosh, leader. Mra.

C. T. James, Circle IL with Mrs. Gannon. Leader, Mra.

Jim Pouncey, Circle III, met with Mra C. K. An-drewe. leader. Mra.

M. 1. Stewart. Circle IV. met with Mra J.

O. Snell-grove leader. Mra. H. M.

Sessions Each had their Bible Study. Circle III aarved a salad course. rwtea gtaateata Katertela. A moat Interesting progrsm waa given on Friday evening at the high school auditorium by aona of the feoulty sad pupils of the B. I of Newton.

Mre E. Cobb gave aeveral vooal aelectlona Miss mills aeveral Instrumental namhere Reeding by. Noble Beall. "Comln' Through the Rye" wsa given by some of the pupils In hWittlsh costume A good bouse was present." Stehew-TT-ew1 Weddlag On Tuesrtav evening at o'clock at the rtantlst pastorlum. Mr C.

Htep- hens and Miss Ada TreadwelL were qnlettv married Dr lx)we. per-! formlne- the ceremony In hie usual manner Mr and Mrs Stephens will I ill msse Enterprise their home MUSIC LOVERS CLUB AT EUFAULA HEARS MRS. JOHNSON rtTAHA At.A. geh 1-Ta moe'MT proa-ram meetlna ef the Mnele I.oTerr "Inh held getrda sflernoon st the llhrarr eudltortnm wss lerelr st tend-d and a beautiful mtrsVsl pre (rlm wss glees hv Mre Phil Johnson, of tonome'T forrrerlr Mre Ir.ite aienn It'll of -his rl-r 4 hr rr Kr of the '11 Vrs Johnson sa "hs. he sr PeloeT r.n At the Weli gor, ff Ind's gslee The Spirit mm A rv a 1 a JOUT "The rio Mlee Vshel Johesoe sens "The Brd WUh the proaen Wiee rp'-ee her ouain.

yrsrtee an1 Mlseee Wshel and Iots Joee. hers Mrs WUlrlesie r'sei nrif Vies WIMa hsd Se'ectli rhsre ef the program r. t. reheeet Ttavee Bsrho*r r-onetv "hspt. X' 1 en ale sn nnlque ahaet ae-e rnd for rs 'ft' a- a a it rilght he -hap'er SoTSSMort rit-reortal rriiile h' 1 hams ph'r mr leaat aS(e S)r44ae teh Miae a-'nie Spirif rw eoera'ei he METHODIST WOMEN OF TUSKEGEE IN MEETINGS TUSKEGEE, ALA, Feb.

1. The Missionary society of the Methodist church had an Interesting meeting on Monday afternoon, when Mrs. H. FUllnglm led In the discussion of the Illumined Christ for Mexico. She was aasieted In the program by Mra.

A. 8. Danner, Mrs. E. L.

Stough and Miss Annette Howard. It was voted to defer the matter of hearing the report ot Mr. Peter Freer from the Missionary conference In Dothan until Friday, afternoon, when Circle Three offered to be hostess to the society at the home of Mrs. H. V.

FUllnglm. At the appointed time, the ladles of the society met, and Mrs, Freer gave a report that was full of information and Inspiration. Circle Three served refreshments and all pronounced this a happy occasion. Parent-Teacher Aaawciatfeai The monthly meeting of the Parent-Teacher association met on Tuesday afternoon at the school building, and received reports and enjoyed a splendid, program on school activities. Daughters ef Ceafederaey The Macon county C.

D. had a most Interesting meeting on Tuesdsy afternoon at the home of Mr. Will Danner. After the business session, presided over by Mrs. R.

8. Pope, the president, those present dlecu.eed Stone Mountain. Sappho Cinh vrlth Mra. Alderman A blight social sTent ococured on Tuesdsy afternoon when Mrs. B.

a Alderman was at bom to the member of the Sappho club, honoring her hous guest, Miss Margaret Ford, of Louisville. Kentucky. Ford Is very active In club work In her home city, and It wss pleasure to the clubwomen of Tuskagee to greet her on this occasion. Haating Dinner at Laalle'a At the conclusion of a hunting party on Wednesday, Mra. D.

B. Leslie had aa her gueata of honor at a lx o'clock dinner, Dr. C. Leslie and Atlar Jordan, of Montgomery. gapphe Clab Heateaa The Sappho olub waa hoateaa at an elaborate luncheon on Thursday at the City Csfe, honoring Mrs.

E. a Alderman and her guest Miss Margaret Ford, of Louisville, Ky. tractive In Its decorations of out flowers. At ths close of the club games the hostesa served a salad course. lady tie With Mrs.

gsaltb. Tha regular aeml-monthly meeting of tht. Study Club of Andalusia was bald on Wsdnesdsy afternoon with Mrs. H. D.

Smith aa hoateaa. Mrs. 8. B. Mllll-gan waa the capable leader for the afternoon and the program rendered proved to he one of the moat Interesting one of tha special featurearof th afternoon was an address by Dr.

n. H. niggs of Auburn, wall known as landscape gardnrr. Mra. Dugger gave an Interesting paper, and Mra.

A. a most o-hihui trioute I'" mrm- of Opp gave a most Insplr Ing talk her subject being "Worde." r' "lo by Mrs Shrew e. 'Oh for the Wlnp of a Dove" waa rreatlv enjoyed hjr memhere. Partr fr Bride. Mra.

Parnell t.ewla. an attractive bride of a few weeks, waa the Inspiration for a lovely party on Wedneaday afternoon when Mrs, Rnford Bvan entertained the members of th Corn-radio rluh at her handsome home on Kasf Three Notch street. Parte fee Wlea Wetebesn. Miss Prelds tfelshsm wa eh. inspiration for a heart neetv turds 7 evening when Mlaa r.leet rvrnnsr sn- tertslned In her honor.

Miss Welshaia her week end guest trufle Harrier and Annie Mnrrlson Meera Out Wllitar germlt Whit. Wo dlmpeea. Perkins Tavl Phillip Psrne and Fdwtn Hf.ir4.T mnmlnt It.W. rT rtHmr i- mm. ri, hs, s.e-rsl ef fertr two w.r.

w.mana see-evr. Th. social ahd Llfrsnr ro.ettng h. w. rose'.

Ml.a'onarr of ch.irch re-' et the e- dee-en Mra Vaodoa with M-a- 1me. Mad'oe'n lilche-1. aa lotrt hoate.e. oensus. of 1920 showed a reduction in the' percentage of Illiteracy for every state except one.

It showed, also, material decreases In actual numbers of Illiterates In many of the atatea Naturally, the highest percentage appear in atatea In which the colored or the foreign-born population Is relatively large; but those states as well as the others show marked decreasea "In twenty-three states. Including Alabama, the percentage of Illiteracy was less by 26.0 In 1920 than in 1910; in Alabama it was less by 29.0. While the gregtest reduction In percentage was In South Carolina, from 2S.7 to 11.1 the greatest decline In the actual number of illiterates was In Alabama, from to 271,081. "In the thlrtr-year period from 1190 to 1920 the average percentage of Illiteracy in Alabama was reduced from 41.0 to 11.1; that of the native-born white population from 11.1 to that of the colored population from (9.1 to 11. 1.

This record compare favorably with that of any other state where like conditions have prevailed. These conditions must be kept In mind If a fair estimate of our educational progress Is to be formed. 'The first-official effort to eradioate adult illiteracy In Alabama wae Inaugurated in 1911 when the Alabama Illiteracy Commtulon was created by the Leglalatnr. The act carried no appropriation for the mean with which to prosecute It work. Fortunately, through the assistance of the Alabama Federation of Women's Clubs and other agencies funds were derated In sufficient amounts to enable the commission to put an agent In tha field and to accomplish substantial results Ajrt Abolished "By leglelatlve enactment In 1919 the oommlaalon was abolished and instead the Division of Exceptional Education was created as one of the coordinate divisions of the state department of education through which the state board of education functions An annual 'appropriation of waa provided fof conducting adult schools which under the law must be matched dollar for dollar by funda ralaed from other sources.

All Illiterates and near-Illiterate persona sixteen years of age and ovr are eligible for enrollment In theeo Brhole which may be organised In any county where a fund la provided to match tat aid. "It la for the purpose of raising contributions to match or supplement the state fund that the observance of Illiteracy Week baa been planned by the Federation. "Since the work waa organised In 19t( thouaanda of our llllteratea have been taoght to read and write, have had the Soor of llaht and hone and poastblllty opened to them: yet tha lamentable fact remains that mora than leu on of our people are atlll In mental darkness. In ths thralldom of Ignorance, superstition, weakness and; Inefficiency If they wer given the power to read and write, to Indite and Interpret the written and printed pars, thsy would hare afees to th sources of all Itnowlertre and wisdom Without such power they are condemned eternally to the darkness of unlettered eaiatence. to the rrtnd of mental toll to the penalty of fsllure and unhspplneas.

'Tins, therefore. I. Wllllsm Rran-don. rVrvemor of Alabama. An herehy endorse the action of the Alabama dev.

March 'f aa miterscr Welt en we mar ohliierste lllltaea- In Alahema The nf the j.aat effort thl. Indies' l-al rtorlotie hlererr-eet rsn he realised tr, th., and a rfU jtnl Mr Ma Mr at-rtrrtirii -f fam't' Vfi 'efvit 'hafrmar. Tt Vff vtJrK.ri rrrrt nf V- Or-)etvT 'hm fa mMo mv rri'' mrrt 4' Vtr if e-nm' gv rK.wrrd!' a-At -w-wV Vfr -Ve -'fi nt-V--. rM rr" f--a-h Wl'f Vf ".) -v pr't -r i -V -m '-f 1g-i Wri M-- taev4M( n.

rid, f1mk a a 'r cwiw r- tlf -n ar mb -1 v. mm a -r. Jcra'n H-igrja 'pfori rrm I OPP. Feb. II.

Miss Rims Taft was hostess on Tuesday afternoon to the Olrla Auxiliary. Facts about Cuba was th topic for th afternoon's atudy. The subject waa given as follows: A paper. Our Little Sister In Cuba, by Jewel Whaley. Facta About Cuba, by Sara Owen King.

What Southern Baptists ar Doing for Our Little Sister, by laol Wright "Love la Our Thame." waa lung by Sara Owen King and Edna Short. Talk, Our Little Slater of the Sea, by Carrie Ollchlrat. The following member enjoyed th afternoon with Mia Taftt RdAa Short, Sara Owen King. Jewel Mlckler, Jewel Whaley, Sara Fielder, Carrie Ollchrlst, Lola Wright, Kva Me-Laod. Clso Morrow, Ing Cowart, Lura Cowart.

HMteew far Cetaaaaalty Clab. Meadamee J. H. Josey and Henry King were joint hoateaa on Friday, February to the Community club. There waa no program, the time being taken up with the bualneaa.

Upon the reaignatlon of the former president. Mr. Sam Ralner waa elected to fill thl office. At th conclusion of thla meeting delicious refreshments were aerved. The next meeting will be held March th fifth.

Teen Ingles' Clab. The Toung Ladles' club was delightfully entertained on Saturday afternoon by Mra. Annie Leurle Selgler. Rook wae played at five tablea for sometime by th following memos re: Mlssaa Ida Holland. Vnlena Whaley.

Mae Belle Ward. Pert ha Meadowa. Magsle Lea Ralner. Edith Ralner. mine Morrow.

Ann Shepard. Luclle Holloway, Elisabeth Holloway. Nellie Smith. Luna Nlchola. Alma and Robbie Smith, y.rtna Trawlck.

Mabel Willlama. Verne Bradley, Carrie Thornhlll. Miss Williams Cut flowers were Used most effectively aa decorations Mra Selgler aerved a aalad and coffee coarse. SJapefat pfkaetenary aeeiety. The Baptist Woman's Missionary So del 7 met at the following homa Mon- day afternoon: X.mher (me with Mrs Deneon.

An Interesting program wae given under th. leadership of Mrs A Pervts the subject being Mission. err Work In chine Ths program waa i followa Paper. The Oioe. oy airs rirar ri.

raper. won1 i Through HI Children, Mrs Den- on. A fiMln potm lvn if Mm r1lffr4 wn rhpir of mUonm wta (M A co3lylin of th prfirrm a i F. Ienlp ikii htpmm to Clf To. with Mr "rrl 'h" d.votlenal The errlntore was 14lb hagter of John Bible ot.

trnn ot JnhH wr. aiudl.d Ughl refreshment were of meet lo m.mhr. The gara Orel, met wih 1 fctre rranfe Rmlth with fourteen mem. hour waa enjored Mra Smith dellcleoe refreahmenl. ate- If mrmm kniiu.

tk. Bit Ward flrele with th'rteen rrenhere nreent An Int. r. tier leaaon taSen rem the honk nf Judaea aa atadied nnder the direction of Mra rs 1- ion Mre Hartln waa hoateaa to fir'cla Ven-her pi" ajsgflef B.tae sent Meet Th. Bsptlat R.i.ln...

a Mta- r)r-l met Tnea-lsT evening s- i-thrtT o.iocii st the rhurch Thla wee th flrat meeting nf this ieleeU sine. He ergaalsatlea and a sanet I Illiteracy for the entire country waa i Federation of Women's in dees' for Alabama It waa ill: only i irnatlnr the wees hertnnlnr on Trl- ENTERPRISE, Feb. IS Mra B. H. Laney entertained the Purlan club en Thursday afternoon.

Daffodils and bntter-cupe in wall basket and vaaea made the apartment quite attractive. Mra. H. M. Seaalona kaa leader.

Toplca Women Writ ere, Edith Wharton, novellat. The age og Innocence. -Mrs. J. J.

Faulk. Katherlne Fullerton Qerould. Psychological stories: Vain Oblations" Mr C. F. James.

Mary Roberta Rhinehart. Magaslne Humorist, novelist, playwright." Mra Una Mlddlebrooke. Juat before the program, Mra. Seaalona held a abort memorial service to Woodrow Wilson, club had aa gueet Mra. Leon Btevena of Mobile, and Mr Heine, Albreaon of Columbia.

Oa. A plate luncheon waa aerved by the bootees. Mra. Cheabell' Otvea I-anrhewe. Mra Will Creshull of New York, gave a luncheon at the home of Mra Harrison on Tuesday, to few friend, tolor motif.

Orwa and gold, beautiful ly carried out with feme and bright golden annuals. The guests enjoyed a good game of rook from eleven to 1 o'clock. Lovely handpalnlad heart valentlnea were need for ecore and place card. The well appointed table waa centered with a crystal baahkel of buttercups and an elaborate seven ceurse luncheon waa served to Meedaroea M. Seealona Arrle Owen, John Kaeelone.

1. Warren. Mac Wsrren. Byrd C. Jamee i.

W. Harrison and A. M. Brock. Valentine The Willing Workers were delightfully entertained at Valentine at the hom*o of O-ne Warren on Hatur-day eaenlng.

The apartment were attractively decorated with valentln.a Valentine renrs wer plsyed. On- that afforded much amusem*nt, was that of vlnnina small hearts, on a Isrs- one The winners were, girl. Bertha Mcintosh end onr nkr. Boohr pHs lx.l Mount A free -III offertna wee rede, and enourh was giren to per he see-ssment the first quarter. The Israe numh-r present wer aerd f.unch and eandwihea 1.111 Warren Itornthv itowllnr 1 Wsrren.

l.aMew Oartntteia Itsrrs Meet. Mender eftarnonn "The Meeting 0f the Christian church was held tth Mre Rnas Hntrhlnson It.aoHnnal Vrs H. S- Merman. Toptoa tthedlenoe. Me.demee 3 Loftln.

will BrrK and n.saett read papers whloh. were most helpful Twelve m.mhers were present. mm Tew ike fw. Mrs. Bar Laeelter wae the trana Milen to the "Aa Tn'i IJke It flub -ea Wednesday efterne'in.

Tables were arranged la the spacious hall, fir the club game roe Mrs will fe.hnil ef Mehlle was the gueet of "Ink a dslety esle ar i eeoTe4 during tsej ewleJ honr wlwerv e-l ef the Methodist ehur-h re la Orele Mie-lev rsmle A met with Mre t. nnjn.oa Tf H. Ted the Ion el Hnl leeT heard the Blhle lee- vaa taken trnm the fnnr -rels aad aaadwtahea eere4 Ctrele me wKh Ml" Kve. I SHHeVlaed teeder. Mhie Thirteen were pe-eeet.

the hr-m. eae rrmA aeawichee sed tea. rime r. waa mtertelned Vrs Perd Mra A "wee "vnili't AmMtnmi sex heri1 the hthle -Th fmr fweeent. wee e--4 tl errffe mi, ere-eke-re The WtHln Wr- reet llh U-t eflter-en V--4r efter Warree oatej'e 'he three atatea showing a hlrher percent- are The srerare In the native.

horn end rail up -n ell lawf'il iwl" ard After aereral aamea the siostese white population was It. for Alahame Influences soclsl. frstemal. .4 a plate luncheon to the follow-It was II onlv sl states showlnr a u'stl'nsl srd religions, to cooperate r'ests V's Msrv Bar. Berth h1rher perrentare The averse In th.

In the manner dired to the end 'hat rttlllitie Jee.i. oems. rtlolse Jones, eonnlaflon waa fit. for Ala- hefnre the rteit federal ceee-ia (a teh- terhs Ttror.lta Thelms gnlrer. Oer- barrw tt wss 31 onlr one state show Inr a hlsher percenters SJ.Snefl.n aha as 'Vmpare with that of the ANDALUSIA AGAIN ENTERS CLEANEST TOWN CONTEST THROUGH CIVIC CLUB Mrs.

Taylor Hosti to Do At You P1at ClubiStudy Club Mt With Mrt. H. D. Smith; Mrs. LtwU Honored Mr.

IH lh l-l Mr. J.ff wss th. it.h, h.r rhrg. of the prorrsm which w.s Th WM th. of f-e.

-ontlneatlon ef th. sdr of th 1 I Hare, "Sr.r. rhriet After the leeson a d.Maht- snaelsnarv rh -fVft hm nrt VaMonftI Run H-lltJIn t-winrr firnrirhn f'tnrmn' fr m'n'h pimnm frr Hr r-M P. -4 Sta Af ftl i 1 ntr Te( ft'l-tr r-ttjh radoiph 4rf-4 rVtrriii(ii 'frgg flV Ifi kf 'h cT Vv vt, If' -p rlter ffUnr; Wi. Jihnvi 3 it 1et.t.e tn.

Mtwowarv onr-renc ht'h corTe-4 fn TotKao laS WeeV eae intere.t'r this meet- tt reatlfrle to th an- '''r tr hear that th. Anoalnela A nvn a-T lead. th. lahms c-cefe-enr. In "rsncea rreefcreeetea sevltfaer Weeeteig Mnnee afternoon the a of the fre.hT-t.-l.n chn-ch -e iPtti the Vr tr atro-rn r-r h.

afternnep a-d ath- a'ndv aa "North KlmiM Vwtrn-.

The Montgomery Advertiser from Montgomery, Alabama (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.