Morning World from Monroe, Louisiana (2024)

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Monroe, Louisiana

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fi Thursday April 12 1973 Monroe Morning World Television THURSDAY (The redle and television schedule centamed" tn ffitjT c0iumrraretubllihetfs a courtesy end service to me readers cl th'i newspaper The newspaper le net responsible for any inaccuracies In the schedules which are supplied bv the stations concerned) Programs listed In the TV I09 are also available on Cab vision KNOE Channel 8 Pastor's Study 6 Good Morning CBS News 8 GO Captain Kangaroo Ina Wild Th Dollar' 10006 Pyramid Gambit Love of Life Midday News with the voung Restless Search for Tomorrow Noontime edition jt (News ayiton tn Sewing Open House As The World Turns The Guiding Light Edge of Night The New Price Is Right 2:30 Talking The Secret Storm Vlrgmlan Dream of Jeannie KTVE TV Channel Cronktle and Newt News Weather Sports 6 Tn Evil Touch lip Wilson Movie "How To Save A Marriage KNOE News Weather Paul Harvey 4 Sports Mov5 "Men of the i ighting Lady 12:30 News Evening Prayer Sine off 10 6 Devotional 7 Today Show 9 00 Dinahs Piece Baffle Sato of me Century 10 Bewitched Dating Game 2 00 General Hospital 2 30 One Life to Live Love American Style 3 30 Days of Our 6 News Weal her Sporte Reel (n Mod Squad 8 Kung Streets or San rancisco Password Split Second My Children 12 Let's Make A Deal 1 Newlywed Ga KTBS TY 400 The Doctors 4 Another Wortrf truth or conse News Weather Sports 10: 30 Wide World of duences Entertainment 5 30 Eventng News 12 Sign 0ff Shreveport Channel 3 S' Test Pattern opport unny Let's Make A Deal ne Newlywed Game The Dating Game General Hospital One Life To Live Love American 6 3nTO Telt the Truth 7 Mod Sauad: Kung Streets of San 10'00 Ten nek Redprt Ark La Tex Cartoon 'nds Movie "Chain Lightening" asmans in Sewing JwDGc cSant second Style Sportsman fC3b frewTfvhrd i TrM Wide WorH pf Colorful World Password Hr3O efeven Thfrnm' Report All My Children ABC New Entertainment 30Nre THrty Truth or Conse Quences Shreveport La Channel 12 KSLA 30 Your Pastor 700 Garner Ted Armstrong CBS Morning News John Harf Captain Kangaroo 9 Sesame Street 10 Gambit Love of Life Midday News with Douglas Edwards The Young Restless Search lor Tomorrow the World Turns The Guiding Light 1 Edge of Nt The New Price Is Right 1 Hollywood's Talking 3 00 The Secret Storm The Virginian 5:00 Petticoat Junction 5 News 'Cronk i te Channel News 6 Buck Owens Ranch Show National Geographic Special Movie "How To Save A Marriage" 10 Channel 12 News Mike 10:30 Movie "The Men of the ighting Lady" KTAL Shreveport La Channel 6 6 4S RD "4" 11'30 Who What Where 7 Today Show News with loyd 7 Today in lexarkana Kalber 7 Today Show 00 Ark La Tex Today Today Shreveport Three On a Today Show 1 Oft Davs of Our Lives 9 Dinah's place The Doctors Baffle Another World 10 Sale of The Century Return to Peyton 10 Hollywood Squares Place 1 1 Jeopardy 3 Somerset 3 The Adams amily 400 Star Trek 5 OO The Rifleman 5 Nightly News 6 Newscooe Dragnet 7:00 tln wiison Show Ironside 9 oo The Dean Martin 10 Newscope 10 30 Tonight Show KALB Alexandria La Chrfhnel Jambalaya It Jeopardy 4 Paul Harvey 11 30 Who What Wh'e Jambalaya Game Today Show News 11 Mid Doy Report Weather 7 Morning Report 7 Show 8 Community Calendar 8 Today Show 9 Dinah's Place 930 Raffle Sale of the Century Hollywood Squares 12 Noon Report Ethma Odum Show Days Of Our Lives The Doctors 2 Another World Return To Peyton Plc Somerset Beverly Hillbillies Bin Vanev 5 Junction 5 30 Nightly News Evening Report 630 Parent Game 7 lip Wilson Ironside 9 Love and Hate 1ft Dateline 10 Thn Tonnlht Show 12 00 Sine Off WJTV Jackson Miss Channel 12 Sunrise Semester 4 30 Mississippi Morning 7:00 News Weather Paul Harvey Comments Local Weather CBS News Captain Kangaroo Romner Room The 10000 Pyramid 00 Love ofXifa Mid day News The Young ond the Restless 11 Search for Tomorrow 17 Info 12 Market Basket 12 As The World Turns The Light 1 dae of 2 Is Right Talking 3 Secret Storm 3 Joker's Wild nn To Tell the Truth Info 12 Part I News Cronktfe News Sports 1 6 Ml Info Dick Van Dvk Lawrence Welk Movie "How To Save A Marriage" 10:30 Move "The Men ot the Lady" WLBT TV Jackson Miss Channel 3 Television Preview Three Drivers Ark La Miss Deaths Top Shows and two 3 in 01 vuup iu situiKje Hulsey of Richmond Calif andlAshlork and Kenneth Johnson A fine of $300 or 60 days in jail was meted out to two Mon roe motorists' Wednesday by ourth District Judge red dickar Jr for driving under the influence of intoxicants ined were Blanks Treadway 700 South 7th St and Peter John Wolfert 3604 A Claiborne Judge udickar also fined Thurman Sexton 3401 Har vester Dr Monroe $300 or 60 days in jail with a suspended 10 days for DWI Mrs Evelyn Bearden of Rich mond Calif 14 grandchildren seven great grandchildren and number of nieces and nephews Pallbearers will be Ed Holly George Wise Bill Wise Jimmy Wise Norman Pavy Lawrence pm today at irst National neral Home with the Rev ran cis Williams officiating Burial will be in Coax Cemetery near Winnsboro She was a native of Pelahat chie Miss had resided in ranklin Parish for the last 50 years and was a member of the Baskin Baptist Church Survivors include one son Hil ton Allen of Vicksburg Miss three sisters Mrs Lyda Rich ardson and Mrs Sue Nelson both of Polksville Miss and Mrs Lcssie Mott of McComb Miss four grandchildren and two great grandchildren about an and h'e her 10:30 12 and This show cap feel of a West back into the the best Na Soei Mrs Miles died Sunday at A Conway Hospital following a lengthy illness Survivors include her hus band Adison Miles one grand daughter Mrs Dorothy Brown one grand son Cleveland Rob inson all of Monroe and ten grandchildren Mrs Hester Miscar WINNSBORO Mrs Heter Alien Miscar R5 of Baskin died Wednesday at Winnsboro Manor Nursing Home after a long ill ness I uneral services will be at 2 John Roberts alto John Mabon Roberts 91 of Alto died Wednesday morning at Richland Nursing Home of Delhi after a long ill ness He had resided here for the past 62 years and was a member of Alto Baptist Church uneral services will be at 3 pm today at Rayville uneral Service chapel with The Rev Strittman officiating assisted by The Rev Shelton Sharbano Burial will be in Lynn Cemetery Survivors include three sons Edgar Roberts of Alto John Marshall Roberts of Haughton and Alfred Roberts of West Monroe four daughters Mrs Ethel Irby of Delhi Mrs Dixie Moon of Meridian Miss Mrs Edna Crotwcll and Mrs Maudell Breed both of Monroe two brothers Stokes Roberts of Archibald and Eddie Roberts of Mount Gilead NC one sister Mrs Mary Richardson of Mount Gilead 30 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren Pallbearers will be George Douglas Ragland Jerry Roberts Roberts Harry McKay and McKay How to have a full life Dial A Blessing 387 4397 entering showbusiness with Joan assisting God mama Gorshin also deliv ers various impressions of movie stars Joan River talks about the problems of womanhood and Rev Iroy sermonizes on the devil backed by vocal group the Tempta tions 7 pin Channels 8 6 A 5 and 3 The Streets of San ran cisco of the Karl Malden gets a chance to do more acting in this outing impersonating an al coholic in order to investi gate a rash of fatal beat ings of drunks Dean Stock well as a young bewilder ed alcoholic and Ix slie Nicl sen as a brawling go be tween for drying out mission housg are the guest stars and the three actors eTrtry Channels 10 and 3 Movies Algie Lee Clark LAKE PROVIDENCE Algie Iz Clark 68 of Lake Provi dence died Wednesday at the East Carroll Parish Hospital af ter a long illness uneral services will be at 3 today at the Elmwood Bap tist Church with the Rev Paul Sullivan officiating Burial will be in Providence Memorial Ce metery under diretaion of irset National uneral A native of Trenton Tenn Mr Clark had lived in East Car roll Parish for many years and was a retired farmer Survivors include his widow Mrs Nona Williams Clark of Iflke Providence one son Ross Clark of Monroe five daughters (Mrs Betty Holly of Mangham Mrs Layne Johnson of Meridian Miss Mrs Glenda Ashlock of Marked Tree Ark Mrs Marie Pavy of St Charles Mo and Mrs Jessie Wise of Lake Provi dence two brothers Champ Clark of St Ixiuis Mo and Carl Clark of Caruthersville Mo thre sisters Mrs Mattie Saffell of St Louis Mo Mrs Georeie "A 13 year'' old youth was hospitalized around pm Wednesday when the bicycle he was riding swerved into the path of a car on La 15 just south of Monroe Steven Hollan of 307 Txach man St Monroe was taken to Glenwood Hospital where he was reported in satisfac tory condition State police said the Holland vouth was traveling south on15 on the shoulder of Vie road when lie pulled intn the path of a south bound car driv en by Wayne Johnson 25 of 133 Cedar Crest Monroe No charges were filed in con nection with the accident slate police said a I (1950) air Htimprhcy Bo garl Eleanor Parker Ray niond Massey Good shots of jet planes and air action but unfortunately pilot Bo gart lands and fights a los ing battle with ahackneyed script 8 a Channel 3 Marauders" (1955) air Dan Duryea Jeff Richards Jarma Lewis ast moving Western dra ma with plenty of action for ful Jarma Lewis supplies the necessary love interest 3:30 pan Channel 3 CBS to Save a Mar riage and Ruin Your Life" (196K) air General ly amusing comedy about a bachelor friend who tries to save the marriagoo an un faithful husband with un expected results Dean Martin Stella Stevens and Eli Wallach are the stars 8 pm Channels 8 12 and 12 CBS Tate Movie of the ighting (1954) air' Bolstered by some ac tual WW II footage this is a routine drama aircraft carrier men assigned to Channels 8 12 thrill fans Beauti Mrs Mabie Mil es uneral services for Mrs Ma bie Miles 67 of 3R07 Dunlop Monroe will be held Sunday at 2 pm at Rose of Sharon Baptist Church with the Rev Brown officiating Burial will follow in Clark Cemclery under the direction of uneral Home of Mon Area Tours Of Libraries Being Held River Reaches High Stage At Vicksburg VICKSBURG Miss (UPI) The Mississippi River flooded to its highest level in 30 yearsroared past this historic river town Wednesday sweeping away tenant shacks and driving plantation owners to higher ground flooded all said Mrs Elvatie Gilbert wife of a plantation worker knocked one house right off the block and it went 50 feet from where it was sitting They had built a levee around our house and were hoping it would hold but it I was afraid I might have got drowned The muddy debris laden wa ters measured at 503 feet and rising were more than seven feet above flood stage Acres of water surged through tire lowlands around Vicksburg nrriniatc cairt about 3000 families were forced from weir homes in a five county arejL and the rich cotton delta took a heavy blow in the seven state onslaught which inundated 17 million acres of land The flooding occurred at the height of the delta cotton and soybean planting season and put farmers further back in their preparations than they had been in years The next few weeks are critical said Mississippi Agriculture Commissioner Jim Buck Ross Cotton must be planted by mld May and soybeans by mid June or the crops will succumb to frost later in the year Service station owner George Wigley of Vicksburg who fled his subdivision home with his wife and two children said "the water was over my head in the living room and the same with the other 50 homes in the subdivision" He said motels were jammed with flood refugees and hundreds were with relatives and friends Vicksburg itself was spared because of its high bluffs but surrounding areas were Inun dated Here are top tele vision shows as previewed and selected by TV staff of experts who watch screenings attend rehear sals and analyze scripts in New York and Hollywood Where no letter is used be fore a channel it means the station is Out of town stations have the first letter of thear city or ex ampci a Shreveport station will have the letter then the channel number National Geographic So ciety Special Haunt el west tures the that looks oast and tional Geographic cty Special this season The scene is the mountainous West from Utah to the Cal ifornia desert where pass byrcowboyat on cattle drives grtuu Id In dians celebratin Easter with an ancient good ver sus evil ceremony and wandering miners and in habitants of little sagebrush towns 7 pm Channel 12 The lip Wilson Show (Repeat) impression ist rank Gorshin and com edienne Joan Rivers head tonight In a take off of Godgath Gorshin appears as the Godpapa listening to God (Wilson) ambitions on Monroe Cyclist Injured By Car Library tours for many area youngsters are being conducted this week at all branches of the Ouachita Parish Public Library Purpose'of the tours is ttt either introduce children to their lo cal library or to 'allow them te learn more about what is avail able at their neighborhood fa cility The tours primarily for first grade students are part of the local observance of National Li brary Week April 8 14 Among other items on the tour students are seeing the room learning howto check out a book and are being introduced to various employes of the library amiliarization of card cata logs in the room book locations how to return a book what materials are available at the library including 8mm films and cassettes magazines pho tocopy machines records and newspapers are also being point ed out to the students Also an Informative introduction to bookmobiles is being provided Entertainment after the tour consists of a film presentation at the various locations Johnnie Horn SHREVEPORT uneral services for Johnnie Glynn Horn 44 of Shreveport will be at 10 a today at the Mt Zion Methodist Church near Montgo mery Burial will follow in the church cemetery under direction of Southern uneral Home of Winnfield Mr Horn died Tuesday at a Shreveport hospital after a short illness He was a native Mont gomery a welder and member of the Methodist Church Survivors include his widow Mrs Lola Horn of Shreve port two sons Michael Horn of Montgomery and Eric Horn of Shreveport two daughters Mrs Curtis Allen of Shreveport and Mrs Jerry LaCour of Mont gomery three brothers Hom and Hany Horn both of Montgomery and Ben Horn of Shreveport two sisters MrsJPMitchelL pf Montgomery and Mrs William Duffy of Locally 0 1605 Louisville Ave Open Mon Sat Mid City Plaza 9:30 AM 9:00 PM Panti stocking sale Think dr it as a favor for your legs and your budget Sate4s4 Reg 129 All sheer lexxtra nylon panti hose with nude heel and sandalfoot Short average and tall in a wide range of colors Sale Reg 169 lexxtra subtle shaper or run resist panti hose with nude heel ashion shades Queen size reg $2 4 for $6 Sale s6 Reg $2 lexxtra control top nylon panti hose In favorite fashion shades Sale $3 Reg 129 Thigh high stretch nylon up top In fashion shades navy white or brown Sale prices effective through Saturday' JCPenney We know what looking for bd? jp Tf nirrl jbijt im 1 A 03 zi 7 STSSMx i 4 py 4 6 Morning Praver RNo'ous Weather 7 TndAy Show Mississippi New 7 JO Today Sho Today Show 9 Cotfee Judv 10 00 Sale of The Ceniury 10 Holly wocr Squares Jeopardy Who What Where News Weather Markets Midday Devotion 12 Calendar 12 3h Watcn You' Child Davs Of Our Lives Doctors Another World tn Peyton Somerses 3 Mike Douglas Show Truth or Consequences NlqMi? hews 6 O'clock Report 6:30 Jeannie 7:00 iin Ironslrte 9 Dean Martin 1ft 0ft 1n fVrinrlr Pcnftrf 0:30 Tonight Show ETV 7 A rf 'Job Bank Art 8 Environmental 8:30 Classroom Science Western Ctvillrahon 9 Modern Math 9 Animals and Such Math The metric Company 10 Mc and Globe Sk Proect SiTrytval in About Science 10 55 Community of Living Things Cablevision Chan 11 Moving On In Math Sesame Street 12 Adventures In Math 12:4 irtt Pilms Matlv actory The tectrle Company 2 Art 2 Potpourri Classroom Science Community of Living Things 3 00 Movlno On In Math About Science Teaching Modern School Math 3 Living Belter Specli Sesame Street ne! 11 The Eleclffe Company Mislerogers' Neighborhood D0n interface 6 Living Better Job Bank 6 Art 7 h0your uture Now 7:30 Audubon Wildlife Theotre Newsmaker Special Of The Week Special Of The Week Job Bank il Art Radio EditorX Note: In the following schedule! news ond musk will bo featured unless otherwise indicated) KWKH Shreveport La 1130 KHz 945 MHz ATS Snorts Rnad Show Son 12 Weather Kaleidoscope 10 Oren Housa Afternoon 12 CBS KWKH Nv Today's Business 5 News Swap Shop ftoundun 5 Chore time Weather 535 Poundup Sap 735 Country Party Line News 10 00 News and Sporte 10 Country Party Lina 11 Nws 11:04 Country Party Line 12:06 Red River Roundup AM 45 AM Rd River Roundup ogews arm Market ix ui 9 James Lynn 9 Robort Reaver R0K Steree K5 MHr on a am4 10 Ron Evans vs San rancisco 5 News Road Show 5 30 Sports Road Show Jubilee 7 News Hello World Sports 8 News Hello World Sndrts 7 10 Pm hne Sign off 1 am 7 10 World Wide Sports 7 Sneclrum Mike waltece A World Tonight AW Road and Jonesboro KMtB 1041 MH KREB 1061 MH Monroe KAGH 800 Kx Crossett Ark Sine on sunrise sne oW sunset Local and nation al on the hour and state newjt at 5 before The hour Stock market reports 4 5 and music KCTOJ540 KHx Columbia in rational ar riddle of the Poart i RaYviHo M'rt sne 0f fit 10 Sira gn stinritn sunset Musical variety lhe day with ne w' nn the hour KWCL 1280 KHx Ook Grove Sine on 6 a 5 00 to Cuunlrv Music pR candlelight anc sliver h0Ur KYEA rzL: a nrC mews survey hour evrr hour) hour Variety of musical programs such a5 bmad wav orchestra instru Sinr KMLB 1440 KHx Monroe KTRY 730 KHz Bastrop Covr'v music throughout the day Sme on 6am Denny Dunn 10 am 2 pm Andy Nelson 2pm 4 pm Larry Rust 4 Pm until Off Arty Shinn Local and National News on the hour KVOB L340 KHx Bastrop AM Sine on News on the half hour and hour Town and country music 8 pm continue with soul 1 AHlHated with Broadcast inq system and LSU and St Soorts Networks 5 A 10 "jay 10 AM'J Pm Pick Albrltor 3 PM 8 PM Gary Pndolf 8 pv 1 AM iveano Caldwell KNOE 540 KHx 1 Monros Surrls 3 sunset coun 1 try and western music I farm news 7 am Let's talk bargain" 10 a local news on the over the re IM I KTOC O70 KHz 6 pm Variety 1 throughout the day KAGH 1049 MHz Crossett Ark Duplicates AM foremat during hours of opera tion Independent pro grams from 6 10 pm Lo ral and Natlonanae on th hour with state news 5 before the hour KMART 570 KHz Winnsboro Sine on 4:30 am Variety and Country music tltti 3 pm Top 100 rock musilc 1 til sine ciH at 7 45 Pm National ai Local and state new at monroe 78 past the hour Sports I Music from KNOE Heavy 5 pm Ah music se 30 Survey except local ea iKMiaiU hour 1 ABC nojwc ic it KCR Xafh'vn Kulhman if fcLlfJL vrlrrrL Pepnd Winnsboro tjO am Pfiu Harvf'V oc uh 1 0 and noon: erm 737 Mill Market prices 12 pm i ul 1 ail wvum ia 'mental rand'eliqhl AM nrrrra nn 11 KRIH 990 KHx tjatra ASSlCOl hd 7 ft KlilftMAl Mmi I mood Sine on i night Sir I Tr)' ino pcsf at 1030 am Gospel mus ll 3f' music Mur: local 1 NBC nmworx pro arm news 'rn world LOUO 4:30 "1U KLIC 1 230 KHz Monro Sin on "Uh rolHno Nw nd wether orv hour arm OJM 11 55 a SoorU nd 4'30 GosPel hou Houseprt nnon VrWV rockound from ISO Jot muhlc music 'n KUZN 1310 KHz Monro Country Pontlan Music throughout the day Sine on 6 am 6:10 am 610 am Don Younger 10 11 am Ralph Emeryi am 2 pm Chuck Howard 2 pm Sine Off Larry Scott Alex Myatt and Jeff Hunter on Weak ends KLPL 1050 KHz Lak Providence Sine on sunrise sme sunset News summary at 25 offer the hour Headlines on the hour Ark and La news round up at noon Top 40 commun'ty service five times daily Sme on 6 am Sine off nt sunset News at 55 past the hour Musical varieties throughrut the day KTOC 1049 MHz Jonesboro Sine on A Am Sin nil at lo Stereo musical varieties throughout the day News at 55 past the hour KTDL 1470 KHz armervine Sine on Bunrise: sin off sunset Musical variety the day Newt on the hour County aoet 8T5 and 12 except Agricultural report 6:20 A and Katnryn Kuhlman at 8 Monroe 983 MHs Sine On 5:00 AM 5 0 AA 7:00 A Gospe Program Henry Sumner 7:00 A 8:00 AM Ice berg Slim 8 00 AM Noor Bruce razier Noon 5:00 PM Ray razier 5 00 PM 9 00 i Butch Collins 9 00 wuanigm sme Off Ton) JavLoca I news at the of the hour National new1 at the bottom of the hour Stereophonic soul from ttv top heavy forthy surve) throughout the day KNOE Monroe 1019 MHz news 19 pas: me hout 15 post the hour loc Sign on 5:54 am New.

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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.